Sophia School, Lalarpura, Jaipur, functions under the control and Management of the Mission Sisters of Ajmer, A Sisterhood of Indian Women, whose lives dedicated to God, enable them to render devoted service in the field of women's education in the chain of the Sophia Schools in Rajasthan and other States, Run by the Mission Sisters of Ajmer.
Sophia School, is a Catholic Minority Institution and its intention is to give Indian children the benefit of a refined education with facilities both for study and co-curricular activities. Our education is inspired by a vision drawn from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
Here admission is open to All, irrespective of religion, Caste, Class or Place of birth. Our preference is for the under privileged of the neighbourhood, whom Jesus loved and served most.
The aim of the School is to impart knowledge for an all round development of the students- spiritual, moral, emotional, mental, social, cultural and intellectual.... so that they become MEN and WOMEN FOR OTHERS.
As a Catholic School, it is working not only for the intellectual, cultural and physical development of the children from the earliest stages but also for the formation of character, by inculcating in the students sound moral principles, so that they grow up as good and responsible citizens of our country.