Sophia Senior Secondary School
Gandhi Path West, Lalarpura, Jaipur. Rajasthan. PIN 302021
CBSE Affiliation No.: 1730921, School Code: 11319
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Rules Concerning Attendance

  1. No one who has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to class without the permission of the Sister-incharge of Primary Section.
  2. Leave of absence will not be granted without a prior written application from parent/guardian (except in cases of unforeseen circumstances).
  3. For leave of absence for 1 to 2 days, it is sufficient to apply through the pages of the school diary, based on prior permission.
  4. Absence from school during examination will never be condoned except in case of illness, provided intimated the same day. Absence from school, during examination will affect adversely the student’s grade. Neither re-test nor re-examination-will be conducted. No average will be given.
  5. Repeated absence without leave note or unexplained absence for more than two weeks renders the students liable to have her name struck off the rolls.
© 2024 - Sophia Senior Secondary School Gandhi Path West, Lalarpura, Jaipur. Rajasthan. PIN 302021
Developed & Maintained by: Ajay Lobo