Sophia Senior Secondary School
Gandhi Path West, Lalarpura, Jaipur. Rajasthan. PIN 302021
CBSE Affiliation No.: 1730921, School Code: 11319
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Sophia means “Wisdom”. Every student is expected to strive towards the attainment of Wisdom. She must practice loyalty, sincerity and diligence Punctuality, gentleness and courtesy should distinguish every Sophian.

    • Students should arrive at the School five minutes before class. Children who come late will send in their Diaries for the Admit Pass. Hence, students who come by their own transport should keep the transport waiting to return home, in case the Admit Pass is not granted, for the day.
    • A child who comes late by ten minutes will normally not be granted Admit Pass.
    • Every student must have a copy of the Diary which should be brought to School daily.
    • The Student’s name and other details, including specimen signatures of Parents must be filled in, within a week of the re-opening of the school.
    • Daily lessons, reports, if any, and home-work, should be noted in it.
    • Parents must see this Diary regularly, note remarks/reports and sign them promptly.
    • Pupils are liable to be sent home from class, If these remarks/reports are not signed.
  1. All students should be spotlessly clean and always neatly dressed. The School unifrom is to be worn on all class days and for all school public functions. A student who is not neatly dressed or not in unifrom may be sent home. Students should not wear the uniform outside the School when they are at home or elsewhere.
    • Students should not wear ornaments. Ornaments worn by students in school may be confiscated. They are not allowed to use Make Up, Nail Polish or Grow Long nails.
    • Long hair should be in two plaits from class V onwards.
  2. All home work should be done neatly and the work should always be dated.
  3. All the students must be in their seats before the teacher enters the class.
  4. During the absence of a teacher the monitor of the class responsible for maintaining the discipline, must be obeyed.
  5. Students are forbidden to leave the school premises during school hours. No student will be sent home unless a duly authorised person comes to fetch her with a note of authority from the parent or guardian.
  6. Politeness and Courtesy in speech and conduct should be the hall-mark of every student. Any type of discourtesy or disrespect to members of the staff will be treated severely.
  7. No gift to the teachers to be given without the consent of the School authorities.
  8. The School is not responsible for goods or money lost in the Campus.
  9. Students should take care of school property. They should not write or scratch on desks, chairs, walls or doors of the school. They should not damage property belonging to others. A damage done to the school property must be made good by the offender.
  10. Unfair Means : A student who uses unfair means, receives or gives assistance in any form, during tests or examinations, tampers with the evaluated answer sheets in any way, alters marks in the report card or in answer sheets will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. She will be asked to repeat the class or to leave the School.
  11. Every pupil is obliged to take part in the Co-curricular Activities, viz, Singing Competitions, Physical Training, Cultural Classes, Games, Tournaments etc.
  12. No books, periodicals, pictures or newspapers except those allowed by the School, shall be brought into the class or circulated, without the permission of the Principal.
  13. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings by having them neatly labelled with their Name and Class.
  14. All students are expected to be in the class on the opening day after each vacation and on the closing day before the vacation. Those absent because of sickness must inform the school before the reopening day and present a medical certificate, Separate leave notes should be submitted of sisters who are in different classes.
  15. The School reserves the right to dismiss those whose progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to others or whose guardians show little interest on the progress of their wards. Immorality, grave insubordination contempt of authorities and wilful damge to the school property is always sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
  16. School campus should be kept clean.
  17. Students should not loiter during class hours, bunk classes quarrel with class-mates. Students found guilty will be severely dealt with.
© 2025 - Sophia Senior Secondary School Gandhi Path West, Lalarpura, Jaipur. Rajasthan. PIN 302021
Developed & Maintained by: Ajay Lobo